

住血吸虫症の病原体の1種Schistosoma haematobium(ビルハルツ住血吸虫)のゲノムが解読されました。

Whole-genome sequence of Schistosoma haematobium.
Young ND, Jex AR, Li B, Liu S, Yang L, Xiong Z, Li Y, Cantacessi C, Hall RS, Xu X, Chen F, Wu X, Zerlotini A, Oliveira G, Hofmann A, Zhang G, Fang X, Kang Y, Campbell BE, Loukas A, Ranganathan S, Rollinson D, Rinaldi G, Brindley PJ, Yang H, Wang J, Wang J, Gasser RB.
Nat Genet. 2012 Jan 15. doi: 10.1038/ng.1065. [Epub ahead of print]

同属のSchistosoma mansoni(マンソン住血吸虫)とSchistosoma japonicum(日本住血吸虫)のゲノムは既に報告されていますので、3種目ということになります。

The genome of the blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni.
Berriman M, Haas BJ, LoVerde PT, Wilson RA, Dillon GP, Cerqueira GC, Mashiyama ST, Al-Lazikani B, Andrade LF, Ashton PD, Aslett MA, Bartholomeu DC, Blandin G, Caffrey CR, Coghlan A, Coulson R, Day TA, Delcher A, DeMarco R, Djikeng A, Eyre T, Gamble JA, Ghedin E, Gu Y, Hertz-Fowler C, Hirai H, Hirai Y, Houston R, Ivens A, Johnston DA, Lacerda D, Macedo CD, McVeigh P, Ning Z, Oliveira G, Overington JP, Parkhill J, Pertea M, Pierce RJ, Protasio AV, Quail MA, Rajandream MA, Rogers J, Sajid M, Salzberg SL, Stanke M, Tivey AR, White O, Williams DL, Wortman J, Wu W, Zamanian M, Zerlotini A, Fraser-Liggett CM, Barrell BG, El-Sayed NM.
Nature. 2009 Jul 16;460(7253):352-8.

The Schistosoma japonicum genome reveals features of host-parasite interplay.
Schistosoma japonicum Genome Sequencing and Functional Analysis Consortium.
Nature. 2009 Jul 16;460(7253):345-51.

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